April 2020

April 2020 VW Newsletter


April 2020

Bike Shop by Appointment

Tuesdays 1-5pm | Schedule Here

Social distancing at the bike shop.
As an essential business, we are open to customers and participants with appointments. Our goal during this time is to prioritize our neighbors and individuals with urgent repair needs. During 30-minute appointments you can receive service and repair while-you-wait, check a bike in for service, or test ride and purchase fully-refurbished used bicycles. As always, we have low- and no-cost repair options for our neighbors of all ages.  
To protect you and our staff we are maintaining a 6-foot distance, disinfecting surfaces and washing hands frequently, as well as minimizing contact. For now, that means no shopping for used parts, using tools, or entry into the bike shop until it's your scheduled appointment. Please stay home if you feel sick!   

Help Our Neighbors Facing Hardship

We're always grateful for your support, but especially now as we  ensure that our neighbors can keep on rolling. It costs $250 to keep the shop open every Tuesday.
Fund Bike Transportation

Our Sister Program

Your gift will help our neighbors feed their families! 

Due to the COVID-19 Pandemic, many of our neighbors are finding themselves:

  • Suddenly & unavoidably out of work

  • In desperate need of good, healthy food

  • Caring for children who are not in school where they normally get food

Our goal is to distribute 5,000 fresh food boxes to our neighbors facing hardship! Every $100 donated will fund TEN healthy boxes for a family in need.
Learn More & Donate

Volunteer Spotlight

Cecilia Link

Cecilia, an 8th grader who organizes our West Greenville shed on first Saturdays, has been interviewing other volunteers over Zoom to record why they love Village Wrench and what their COVID coping advice is. Go Cecilia! 
Volunteer Interest Form
We don't currently have volunteer opportunities, but we have utilized this time to transition our forms over to Google. If you know someone interested in Village Wrench, have them fill out the new form!

Corona Coping: Ride your bike!

Featuring Susan Wienke, long-time Village Wrench volunteer and current advisory board member. Thanks so much Susan for everything you have done for us!

Program Updates

CANCELED tomorrow. We miss you!
Next Month's Repair Day: May 2 (We hope!)
Year-to-Date Bikes Earned: 17
We are partnering with Momentum Bike Clubs so their students can earn bikes and keep riding around the neighborhood while home. If you know people who would benefit from a bike, encourage them to get to work weeding in a neighbor's yard, and set up an appointment to earn a bike!
Program Suspended :(
Our self-control and curiosity character plays are especially applicable right now. Students and mentors are still staying in touch and practicing this week; check out the assignments and join us!
One of the most mutually beneficial things we can do as our daily lives and routines are disrupted is to help someone. Try some of these tips out!

Favorite March Photo

We had the pleasure of a visit from Robert (or Can Man, as he refers to himself) this morning! He bought several wheels to work on some bikes he has rescued. He said the new hours made it much easier for him to pop in. We look forward to seeing him around the shop more often!

March 5, 2020

Follow @villagewrench on Instagram to keep up with VW daily happenings!

RIP just expanding shop hours... we're excited to get back into the groove someday, but grateful we can still serve you in a limited capacity now!

Sending you much love, Village Wrench Family. Stay safe and healthy by being wise and vigilant. And of course, GO RIDE YOUR BIKE!
Posted on April 3, 2020 .