through bicycle repair, upward mobility, and educational empowerment.
April 2021 Newsletter
Free Bike Repair Feature: Ms Sylvia
Sylvia is a reliable volunteer at our Nicholtown Free Bike Repair site. She’ll scoff at that though: “Volunteer?! More like a bystander!” She’s not one to fix bicycles, but she and other hospitality volunteers certainly help connect the community. When Village Wrench began serving this neighborhood in 2018, Sylvia was the president of the neighborhood association. “When company comes to your house, you better be there!” she explains, so she began joining in on our monthly neighborhood gathering.The Nicholtown Free Bike Repair site has experienced a steady uptick in neighborhood traffic; Sylvia especially recalls one grandparent visiting every month with his middle school grandsons; over the course of a half year, the boys learned basic bicycle repair. Seeing Sylvia each month and hearing her talk about Village Wrench, other neighbors have brought their family’s bicycles for repair and maintenance too. “I’ve known these friends my whole life, and I’ve never seen them ride in the neighborhood. Free Bike Repair has really grown and gotten to be a lot of fun. More people in the community are riding bicycles!”
Thank you for helping us connect the community through bicycle repair. We look forward to seeing you this Saturday!
Free Bike Repair Saturday, 4/3
Volunteer Danny wrenching at Nicholtown last month... for the last time. Blessings on your move to Knoxville!
Sites are running as usual 10-12. Pick a site on the Free Bike Repair webpage and sign up.
See you there!
Make your gift go further.
The best, most sustainable way to support Village Wrench is through recurring monthly giving. Please consider becoming a Victor today.
Our Spring cohort tested out and went on a celebratory ride this past Monday! We're piloting a new class, 6-Cycle 2nd Gear, for the next 6 weeks for graduates of 6-Cycle.
Happy Easter!
His hands bear the scars that our hearts don't have to. Life can't help but exist in his presence. @GoodSaltyPaper
Come and journey through Stations of the Cross, the work of Village Church artists, young and old(er). It's open 30 minutes before and after each Holy Week Service. @villageanglican
Village Wrench is a registered 501(c)(3) of Mill Community Ministries, founded by Village Church. All donations are tax-deductible. Our vision is an empowered community thriving through bicycles.